Sunday, February 7, 2010


Yesterday Chris and the kids went to go play paintball.  This was Delaney and Nicholas' first time playing.  They all had a grea time and are a little sore.  Definitely have some welts and some bruises.  But I thought I would spare ya the pics of that!!




All 3 after they were done

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Delaneys 10th Birthday Dinner!

Tonight we went out for Delaney's birthday dinner....she chose Red Robin.  We had a great meal with a great waiter who made her a rose.

We made her sit all through dinner with her gifts in front of her.  Finally we let her rip into them, and they were mama wrapped specials, meaning tons of tape and wrapped over and over in tissue paper.

She got headphones, 2 ipod covers and a nano!!

Here is the awesome sundae they made for her!!  My baby girl is double digits!!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Happy 10th Birthday Delaney!! January 19th, 2000

Happy 10th Birthday baby girl!! 10 years ago today you decided to wait till just after 1 AM to make sure your birthday would never be forgotten, you were born on Mom and Dad's anniversary!  You are turning into quite the little young lady, even if you dont like pink anymore!

Here you are at 5 days old.

Here's Delaney at age 2! This is the time she got ahold of the scissors and created a stylish bang job!

Delaney at 4!

Here she is at 6, right after a school program about apples.

Delaney at 8, we had a High School Musical Sleepover that year!

Here is Delaney at 9 years and 11 months and 12 days.  Her most recent pic!

We are having a party at Peter Piper Pizza on Friday, and she doesnt know shes getting her own Ipod at her birthday dinner.  She choose Red Robin!!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The wonderful sound of music!!

Codys band teacher had choosen him to switch to the baritone as his band didnt have one. She thought he would do great, and he has picked it right up. Within 10 minutes he sounds better on this than he did on the trombone, and man is it a much nicer sound!!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Playing some racquetball!

So after living here for over a year, we thought we would take advantage of some of the cool stuff available to us other than just the pool.  This morning we ventured down to the clubhouse to play some racquetball.  The kids brought home some awesome grades yesterday and it was a nice reward!  It was the first time any of us had played and by the end the kids were catching on pretty nicely.  Definitely something we need to do again in the near future!!  Enjoy the pics!

Phoenix ZooLights!!

Normally we do ZooLights before Christmas, but that didnt happen this year.  Here we are on New Years Day!!  The Bartz Crew, Da Smiths minus Jason, and Nana all ventured out into the not that chilly night to see all the pretty lights!

The evening started with some food and balloons(thanks Nana) at Texas Roadhouse.  I cant believe I dont have pics of all the balloon animals!
This is one of the first trees you see when you walk in!! b-e-a-utiful!

Here is my monkey with a monkey at the zoo!

Some gorgeous light displays!

I love this pic of the moon I took!

Another shot of all the kids!

And here is the group pic as we were leaving!  A great evening had by all. Thanks for joining us guys!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Sea World, Shamu, and Soaking Wet!!

We decided to surprise the kids with a trip to Sea World the day after Christmas. We have annual passes from our trip last January, and we wanted to get in one last trip. The kids were thrilled. We were up and out the door by 445 AM Saturday morning. Way to early if you ask me. We normally would have driven out the night before, but didnt want to have to leave Christmas Day early, oh well, nothing wrong with being tired!

We got there and headed right to the Pets Rule show, was cool as always.

This is the ice wall in the polar bear area.

After we all got wet and cold on Atlantis, the kids and Chris wanted to do the river raft ride. I passed, haha!

 We had brought ponchos, but somehow Delaney and Daddys jacket managed to get really wet.

The look on Chris' face is priceless!
 $100 in new clothes later, Delaney had a whole new outfit and Chris had a new pullover sweatshirt, oi vey! We made a point of seeing the Christmas Sea Lion and Shamu shows!

Great as usual. After the park we headed out to a nice dinner, and then back to the hotel to pass out! Oh, less we forget that I won a huge neon green monkey with purple eyes!!

Sunday morning we had planned to do a harbour cruise, but they werent operating, so we headed out over the brigde to Coronado Island and drove around. We went by the no longer there naval base and Chris got all melancholy about how things had changed. We hopped in the car and headed home!! After a stop in Gila Bend for some imported mexican ceramic piggy banks!!! Was a great weekend!!